Condo property management can vary in size from small, standalone buildings to large, multi-unit complexes. Our role is to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of the condo property, as well as to enhance the quality of life for residents. We can assist in a multitude of areas including; financial management, attending board meetings, maintenance and repair, enforcement of rules and regulations, resident communication, and emergency planning.
Our services will vary based on the needs and preference of the condo association and its residents. Effective condo management is essential for the overall well-being of the community and the preservation of property values.
A selection of the condos currently managed includes:
Marwood Townhomes Condominium Association
The Travier Condominium Association
Willys Overland Lofts Condominium Association
among others around Southeastern Michigan.

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Wondering what Grant & Main can do for your real estate portfolio? We’d love to talk.

“I switched property management responsibilities to Megan Taylor at Grant & Main a year ago. It was a very good decision. Megan is very pro-active as well as responsive to my needs. She is successfully renovating vacant units and renting them out and is effectively stabilizing my housing portfolio. Reporting is excellent. I have no hesitation in recommending their services.”

Gary Maister

Property Owner